Kamikaze Ferris Wheels

Hibiscus Festival Week in Suva

A night off, and with the annual week-long Hibiscus Festival is in full cry at Suva’s main park, the Golden Oldies hit the fair ground. Looking forward to an evening of cultural entertainment on the big stage turned into totally the opposite.With the thousands of excited Fijians, we jostled our way through the stampede into what turned out to be an oversized circus of side shows.

Not even a coconut shy, they used dented coke tins! 4 shots for a $1 to knock down the 11! tins. $60 if you can knock them all down with one ball, ummmmm.

But the most frightening thing was their 11 kamikaze ferris wheels. They pack upto 5 into the 4 seats where possible, and when loaded they take off at 100mph and don’t stop for 10-minutes! At the very top you are thrown forward so you are looking at the ground a million miles below you, then thrust backwards, rocking until you hit

Fijian ferris wheels makes Kiwi ones like creche

ground-zero, and then start this horrific manoeuvre all over again. And the best part of the nightmare? Putting your feet back on solid ground.

Strange thing though, the ‘Junior’ Golden Oldies enjoyed it!! Next time my $2 will go on the coke tin shy!

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